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Life & Legacy

Together, we are ensuring the Jewish future.
Congregation Ohev Shalom is proud to partner with the TOP Jewish Foundation and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation to continue the LIFE & LEGACY Program to ensure that our synagogue remains vibrant for future generations. To date COS has secured over 40 legacy commitments, and we are hoping for many more! Thanks to those who are part of the growing list at the end of this page. You may refer back to past issues of the synagogue Bulletin for more descriptive pieces on the program in the Executive Director’s article.
Creating Your Jewish Legacy
When we talk to our children, we don’t always know if they are listening to us. I don’t know about you, but I’m usually worried it is going in one ear and out the other.
But there is a statement we can make to our children- and grandchildren- and across the generations, a statement we know they will hear. We do have a way to convey our values, convey what is really important to us. By participating in the Life and Legacy program at Congregation Ohev Shalom, we can speak to our children in a way that is louder and clearer than mere words could ever be.
There is a story of a man who plants a tree, knowing that he will not live to see its fruit. Jewish tradition exhorts us to recount throughout the generations the story of this man who plants selflessly for the generations to come. When we contribute to the Life and Legacy program, through an after-life gift, we plant a tree- carrying on a legacy through our children and grandchildren, sustaining our traditions through an uncertain future.
Fortunately, building an Ohev Shalom nest-egg and securing a strong financial base for all that we offer and do for our members and the community is within the means of each one of us. A legacy gift can be simple or complicated- it all depends on the individual donor, with attention to his or her needs and the needs of family. Consider a bequest which is the simplest of charitable gifts. A charitable bequest may be made in any amount, large or small.
If you already have a will, a bequest to Congregation Ohev Shalom can be made with a simple codicil. For example, you might mail your attorney your wishes for a codicil to your will that reads something like the following: “I give, devise and bequeath to Congregation Ohev Shalom, 613 Concourse Parkway South, Maitland, FL the sum of $___ to be used for its general purposes (or for a specific purpose defined by you, the donor).
Your role in all of this is to participate by making a bequest to Congregation Ohev Shalom, knowing that you are strengthening the financial infrastructure of the synagogue and enabling COS to weather the everyday crises of the future.
Thanks to your foresight and generosity, we can insure that our grandchildren and their grandchildren will enjoy a flourishing Congregation Ohev Shalom, where the Jewish community can hold their heads high and we can joyously celebrate our wonderful heritage and traditions.
Please e-mail our Executive Director for information about the Life and Legacy program. Thank you, in advance for considering participating to ensure our future.
Current Legacy Donors
Dick & Dottie Appelbaum - Susan Bodell - Jeffrey & Debra Bornstein
Lori & Ed Brenner - Barbara & Burt* Chasnov - Ed & Dale Danuff
Marvin & Bonnie Friedman - Janet Friedman - Roz Fuchs - Robert Gamson
Rachel & Rob Gebaide - Deborah Gendzier - Tayler & Jaime Gold
Steven & Marbella Hornik - Rabbi David & Joanne Kay - Lorraine Kessler
Gordon & Lisa Levin - Terri Mayle - Nina & Ron Oppenheim - Craig Polejes
Alan Rusonik - Allen & Sandi Saft - Eric & Lisa Schwartz
Franklin* & Marilyn Schwartz - Bill & Lisa Sholk - Michael & Stacey Soll
Sara Stern - Louise & Richard Weiner - Sharon White - Saul & Lea Zatz
Edward and Phyllis Zissman
*of Blessed Memory
Sat, October 26 2024 24 Tishrei 5785